C & S Mommy

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Freaking out a little

So today I have a job interview. I can't remember the last job interview I had. However, I do remember that I was a lot smaller and had a lot more clothes available to me. I had a total fit last night because the full reality of my fatness hit me when my XXL top still felt a little snug. My downward spiral continued as I went through my closet and discovered that I truly have nothing to wear to this interview. I know I have been out of it for a while but I also know that you have to have at least the slightest appearance of professionalism on sight to be considered for a job. All I have is looking like a schlub in ill-fitting clothes and my own personal knowledge that I CAN do this job and do it well. As I woke up this morning to work (my at-home job), I had this image of me walking up to the guy that I am interviewing with really fast so he doesn't notice what I am wearing. But then I worry about Murphy's Law and the fact that I would probably wind up getting tangled in my feet or something and knocking him unconscious. Seriously, I am going to start a list of the things I think anxious (crazy) people should be exempt from.


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